Our San Fernando Valley Store Our East LA, North OC Location Our New Antelope Valley / Western High Desert Store Our Eastern High Desert I15 Corridor Store Our Palm Springs / Cochella Valley Location Our Inland Empire Location Our Ventura County Store Our LAX - Harbor area Location Our Corporate HQ


6925 Bandini Bld..
Commerce, CA 90040
Phone 323-726-1034         Fax 323-888-0438

Tony Barrera: Manager
 Our Sign Facing the I5

6925 Bandini Bld..
Commerce, CA 90040
Phone 323-726-1034         Fax 323-888-0438

Our Commerce location is located just off the I-5.
Southbound; Take the Garfield-Bandini exit Turn right aprox. ¼ mile. We are on the right.
Northbound; Take the Garfield exit, turn left to Garfield and left again. Go under the freeway turn left on Bandini to 1st driveway on left.
Plenty of parking in back.

 The Parts You Need Where You Need Them!
  • Monday - Friday 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Saturdays 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM
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